28 February 2008
SCEC welcome KRIEGA to the fold...

22 February 2008
Inside Park course looks like being the best yet!
Featuring a good 6 miles of flowing woodland tracks and trails the course has no ‘stoppers’ but plenty of features to keep things interesting and promises that neat trick of satisfying both throttle jockeys and those preferring a more technical event!
There are a few places left in some classes but parking is limited due to the date change (the original parking field has now been ploughed) so once it’s full it’s full – best not leave it till the last moment!
Phone: 01929 463265
VoIP: (SIP) **473*258 84481882
13 February 2008
Introducing the British AMCA Hare & Hound Championship

The fully backed AMCA 2008 Championship will be run over four one day events. If it is successful certain rounds will be two day events for the 2009 series.
The four main clubs within the AMCA will each run a round a piece starting with the Chiltern Hills Enduro Club on 6th April. Next will come the Cotswold Enduro Club round on 25th May followed by the Xmoor Club round on 31st August. Last but by no means least will be our own round, the venue and date for which will be announced shortly.
The format for these events will be slightly different at each event with each club running their event to their usual formats which will make each event unique the one thing that will stay the same is the classes. Regs and other details for each clubs event will be available in the very near future.
The links to these clubs can be found below and the awards presentation is planned for the dirt bike show with press and other media coverage to go with it.
So basically its up to all you riders to fully support this new AMCA Championship, get booked in well in advance so the clubs can gear up for each round. It is hoped that the majority of competitors will come from within the four clubs membership base so we believe all the rounds to be full well in advance - so don’t drag your feet!
All four clubs are willing to give this new series 100% and hope you are too.
Its different its new and there is the potential for some of you to call yourselves an AMCA British Champion at the end of the year in what ever class you ride in - the format is user friendly so give it a go!
Yours in Sport
Chiltern Hills Enduro Club – www.chilternhillsclub.co.uk
Cotswold Enduro Club – www.cotswoldenduro.co.uk
Xmoor Enduro Club – www.xmoor.co.uk
Southern Counties Enduro Club – www.enduro.org.uk
12 February 2008
Petition to suspend Section 6 of NERC (and re-open our "green lanes"!)
Motor vehicles may now only use "byways open to all traffic", only 2% of all rights of way. Many of these are effectively closed to motor vehicles as they are classed as restricted byways for part their length. Motor vehicles, therefore, can use substantially less than the 4,500km of rights of way quoted by the government.
Rather than reduce the potential for conflict of use, noise nuisance or damage, the act may have the opposite effect as it concentrates recreational vehicle use on a smaller number of rights of way.
Early commencement of the legislation has left many rights of way incorrectly recorded and led to the loss of motor vehicle rights over many historic routes. Suspending Section 6 would allow highways authorities, user groups and individuals to apply to reclassify these as "byways open to all traffic", ensuring that their status is correctly recorded."
3 February 2008
Dorset Police MCC Bovington Forest Hare & Hounds 3rd Febuary

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