23 September 2008

Stonedown Forest - 19th October 2008

It's time for Stonedown!

* Featuring around 6 miles following the superb tracks and trails around the beautiful broadleaf Stonedown Forest on Cranbourne Chase.

* Postal Entry fee just £35 for ACU licence holders or £43 including ACU day licence - or enter on-line and pay with your credit card!

* Latest computerised transponder timing system - see how you're doing as the race unfolds and compare lap times online.

* Race your moto-x, enduro or trail bike (enduro noise limit enforced)

* Classes for all - an awesome event for riders of all abilities from championship contender to total novice. (minimum age 16).

We only visit Stonedown once every 2 years and the entry is restricted to 120 so best not hang about! - Entries available now at enduro.org.uk

Look forward to seing you there

Gary & the team

10 September 2008

Somerley Hare Scramble - 21st September

What a difference a week makes! The sun's been out all week and everybody is happy! (and on top of that the course is awesome!!!!)

(Previous post) In spite of the horrendous weather the course is looking in really good shape. Most of the venue is free draining 'bagshot' sand and the tracks, trails & paths through the forest are in just about perfect condition! No need to worry about the bogs either - after all this rain we'll be giving them a wide berth!

Not one to miss - best to secure you place now! Enter on-line or download your postal entry at enduro.org.uk

5 September 2008

Wednesday evening series

The summer evening series is over for a
nother year - we were lucky with the weather again and everybody had a ball. FrontRow's Stan Watt looked like he had the race in the bag right up till the last lap when Sideways KTM star Mark Cornick used his unique Kamikaze style to literally force his way through to victory.

(for full results/lap times see enduro.org.uk)


1st Mark CORNICK Sideways KTM 530
2nd Stan WATT FrontRow KTM 250
3rd Stephen ELFORD Honda 450


1st Steve HARDING KTM 250
2nd Ian PRATT Suzuki 250
3rd Mark LEWIS KTM 300

Clubman E1

1st Dan BEAVEN KTM 250
2nd Dan HEELAS Yamaha 250
3rd Ian SHUTTLEWORTH Yamaha 250

Clubman E2

1st Tyson MAYTOM-JONES Mid-West Racing Husaberg 525
2nd David BELL
3rd Barry MITCHELL, Gas Gas 250


1st Brent WILLIAMS KTM 450
2nd Lee WELCH Yamaha 125
3rd Phil JONES Honda 250

The official photographer was Nick Guppy (aka Kwacker Snapper). Samples of his work (and of some of the other photographers there) are available on the Adrenalin Trip website )

It's always nice to get feedback (especially when it's positive) but when you get emails like this it really does makes all the hard work worthwhile
"I brought down 2 friends... and despite the 5 hours driving in total, we all agreed we would do it every week if possible!" What can we add to that? Thanks guys!

The next race is 21st September at the awesome Somerley Park complex - see you there!