2009 on-line and postal membership forms are now available via the 'Membership & Docs' tab at enduro.org.uk.
With SCEC you don’t just get a membership card for your fifteen quid – in addition to a great race program your 2009 membership package also includes:
- Affiliation to the ACU (required for ACU licence)
- Affiliation to the AMCA (required for AMCA licence)
- Membership numbers restricted to ensure all members are guaranteed entry – members get priority and reduced entry fees at all SCEC events.
- Registration for the exciting new S.C.O.R.E series including priority for places and reduced entry fees - plus only registered riders get points and awards.
- Your membership number is your race number - keep the same number all year.
- Exclusive members only SCEC ‘Baseball’ Cap or ‘Beanie’ Hat.
- Exclusive members only SCEC & S.C.O.R.E series stickers.
- Free ‘environmental mats’ for those competing in BEC rounds.
- Amazing members only deals on Golden Tyre’s superb Enduro tyres.
Program of events...
2009 S.C.O.R.E series
- 1st March - Inside Park, Blandford
- 3rd May - Somerley Park, Verwood
- 28th June - Shillingstone Forest, Blandford
- 20th September – ‘Maze in the Maize’, Milton Abbas
- 25th October - New venue, Ringwood
- 29th November - Somerley Park, Verwood
Rogershill Summer series
- 2 Wednesday evening and one Saturday afternoon event - Dates tba
Sometimes circumstances outside of our control dictate changes to our proposed program (and just occasionally we come across new venues that are just so good we just can't resist adding them as extra events!) but we try not to change the published dates unless absolutely necessary.
Membership runs from January to December and costs £15 plus £5 joining fee for new members (don't forget membership numbers are restricted and all renewals must be received before the end of January)
Welcome to SCEC 2009… Enjoy the Ride!