10 January 2009

Membership update...

Don't forg
et that membership renewals have to be received by 31st January. After then all applications are treated as new applications. Numbers are being allocated on a 'first come first served basis' and memberships are being limited to ensure all members will be guaranteed a place on the line. If you get your renewal in on time you'll also save yourself a fiver!

Don't forget that if you're applying for ACU or AMCA licences you can include your completed application form(s) with your membership application and we'll stamp/countersign them for you and forward them on to the relevant authority.

Membership packs (membership cards, stickers, hats etc. ) will be available first week of February. If you need confirmation of membership or ACU/AMCA affiliation for an event before then please just contact us and we'll provide you with confirmation as required.