17 October 2009

SCEC on Twitter...

As you know we like to keep you guys up to date with what's happening in SCEC land, but with so many social networks out there it can be difficult to keep them all updated!

The best source of SCEC news is still this news page - all our news gets posted here first and now you can even get the feeds sent straight to your email account if you like.

But now these feeds are also sent to our Facebook & new Twitter pages.

The Facebook page will now always be up to date (although Facebook won't send you an 'update' or notification that the page has been updated). With Twitter of course you'll always get it straight away if you choose - you can even get the updates by text. If you've not looked at Twitter before why not give it a go? - it's quick & easy to use, free and you can even get it on your phone.