15 December 2012

Christmas update...

In the 30 or so years I've been involved with Enduro sport I can't think of any as disappointing as 2012.  The weather has caused total mayhem, added to which we're losing more and more of our old venues and struggling to find enough new ones. We can find the time to run some awesome races but finding enough decent venues is becoming a full time job. Trouble is we already have full time jobs...

So we need your help guys.  As more and more of our best venues (and decent enduro land in general) gets given over to 'nature conservation' we need your help find new venues. If you know of anywhere that might be suitable please don't keep it to yourself, let us know - we'll do the hard work and if works out you needn't worry about entry fees at SCEC for several years!

With a little bit of help from you guys 2013 could be awesome - and what an amazing Christmas present for everybody that would be!

In the mean time Santa has his dirt bike out if you fancy a play...

Have a fantastic Christmas and looking forward to seeing you all next year!

Gary & the team